Principal’s Message

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As College Principal, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Sligo College of Further Education and Training’s website.


I invite you to explore our website, which provides a guide to our full-time and part-time courses, and will assist you in making an informed decision about your future. Each of our courses includes course description, entry requirements, course content, education progression and career opportunities. We are delighted to announce across all PLC Colleges in MSLETB that there will be zero fees for courses commencing in September 2023. The exception to this is where students may be liable for some additional costs for course materials (e.g. uniforms, textbooks, etc).


The College provides the highest quality education and training to the people of Tubbercurry, Sligo and surrounding counties. All our courses are certified by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), iTEC, CIBTAC and CIDESCO and all successful graduates will receive national and international certification awards. Our discipline areas include Business & Administration, Tourism, Community & Social Development, Beauty Therapy, Early Childhood Care & Education, Health & Nursing, Equine, Security and Warehousing. We are pleased to announce a new course, ‘Occupational Therapy Asssistant’ commencing in September.


Hopefully, the website will motivate you to visit the College or just give us a call. You will receive a warm welcome, be provided with an opportunity to meet and communicate with staff and discuss your options. Our College Community is renowned for its caring and supportive atmosphere.


Best regards,


David McGuinness.

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