College History
SligoCFET was built in 1939 on a two and a half acre site and opened in January 1940 as a vocational school. In 1955 a new woodwork room and science room were built on and the old woodwork room was converted into a metalwork room. In 1968 a prefab building was provided to give extra classrooms. The College and staff were very prominent in setting up the amateur drama movement in the mid 1940s and in the late 1950s and the early 1960s apprentices from the tool making industry attended the College for day release courses as part of their training to become qualified toolmakers. At that time Tubbercurry was the centre of the tool making Industry in Ireland. The College offered the Common Intermediate Certificate (CIC) in 1966, the Intermediate for the first time in 1969 and the Leaving Certificate in 1971.
In the early 1990’s the school changed over to a College of Adult and Further Education and served those who had reached school leaving age or mature adults wanting to return to education. Since the 1990s the college has provided many hundreds of adults the opportunity to study locally for a quality assured internationally recognised qualification in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

Jubilee Celebrations